St. Patrick’s Day Brought Us Luck and a New We Craft Box!

This March, we took a trip to Fergus McGee’s Colorful World! With a bit of luck, We Craft Box was able to give the kid’s some fun crafts to do and the family was able to spend quality time together.

The special art material for this month were colorful water beads!

When we began our adventure to Fergus McGee’s Colorful World, we got to construct our own Wee Houses!

Fergus McGee and his friends are sure to come marching into this colorful world with these precious houses.

The next addition to this colorful world is the rainbow scene! We are excited to see what we find at the end of this rainbow.

The beads were great for sensory play and they helped spread the paint around to make a pretty backdrop for Fergus McGee’s Colorful World.

I can hear them coming! Fergus McGee and his wee friends are marching into their colorful world to see what is at the end of the rainbow.

The last part of this box was to add the finishing touches to Fergus McGee’s and his wee friends home!

With a few shamrocks here and there, Fergus McGee’s Colorful World is complete!

At the end of the rainbow we found some happy smiles and great family time! That is the best treasure to us here at We Craft Box.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Owl You Need is Love!

We were spreading the love this Valentine’s Day with our February 2018 Craft Box! This box featured some crafts that had the kiddos falling in love with being creative and letting their imagination flow.

The special thing about the February 2018 Box is that the actual box contributed to a big portion of the overall craft! We got creative with collage materials to build 3D Owls with the We Craft Box. We think it is great to waste as little materials as possible, so we try to incorporate the box into the craft whenever we make a new month’s box.

The first craft we made in the February Box was Mister Owl’s Valentine Box!

With a few other materials, and a couple of snips here and there, your We Craft Box can be turned into a cute owl that is sure to win over your family’s heart!

We wouldn’t want this little critter to be owl by themselves on Valentine’s Day, so in the February Craft Box you could also make Little Owls!

Now they can have a hoot as a family!

Owl you need is love!

Now that these owls are pretty, they need a tree to share.

That’s why the next part of this month’s box was Mister Owl’s Valentine Tree!

How Hootiful!

Now the owls have loved ones and a beautiful tree to spend Valentine’s Day with. What’s even better is that the kiddos were able to spend time with their loved ones on Valentine’s Day!

I hope you and your family had a Happy Valentine’s Day and that this month’s box was able to bring the people you love most together to create memories that are priceless!



New Year means a New Craft Box!

And just like that, it is 2018. Time sure does fly by when you’re having fun! And what’s not fun about starting the year off with some crafts? I know it can be hard sometimes to find fun things for the kids to do while they are off of school, but We Craft Box can always help with that!

To start our adventure off with the fun we had with the January 2018 Box, we must mention our very special art material we used this month! This month, the kids were able to mess around with some Model Magic! This was a super exciting part of this month’s box because I believe the kids really loved working with this material.

With the Model Magic, we made the Shining Polar Bears of the North!

Since the Polar Bears live so far away in the North Pole, we just had to make our own!

I’ve never seen a more precious polar bear in my life!

We made a few different polar bears, all different shapes and colors.

Considering these sparkling polar bears live in the North Pole, we thought they might enjoy a cozy igloo to live in.

And just like that, the polar bears had a home of their own! With their igloo, they were all able to snuggle up as one big and happy family.

Just like the polar bears were able to spend time as a family in their new igloo, we were also able to spend time as a family making the igloo and polar bears!

We also didn’t want to miss out on the polar bear party, so we made our own polar bear masks to match with them!

The kids were able to get really creative with these masks and could even imagine themselves as being a polar bear!

I love starting out the new year making memories with my family and you can too! But we would love to be a part of those memories and help provide you with the materials you need to craft some cute keepsakes!

I hope that everyone had a great 2017 and that 2018 brings only more happiness.





Make Gingerland Village this Holiday’s Destination

Winter is approaching and that means spending more time inside away from the cold! To keep the kiddos occupied, our December 2017 Box offered some fun crafts and the kids were able to make their own Gingerland Village. We also found that these crafts were great to put on display for all the family to see when they come to visit this Holiday season!

In our December 2017 Box, the special art material we used were oil pastels. We also used some other fun materials such as colorful pom poms!

As you can see, some people were all smiles when they got to open this month’s craft box.

The first things the kids had to do for their Gingerland Village was to make their Gingerbread Friends! The kids also made sure the Gingerbread Friends would not get lonely, and made pet kittens for them!

They were able to add oil pastels, pom poms, and glitter to make their Gingerbread Friends shine.

If you wanted to make your Gingerbread Friends extra sweet, you had the option to add candy canes to their hands!

We couldn’t forget the Gingerbread Friend’s own Christmas tree either! By adding pom poms, the tree turned out super cute and colorful.

And last, but certainly not least, the kittens turned out purrfect!

I think my favorite part of the Gingerbread Friends is that you had the choice to write a short holiday greeting to the person of your choice! We definitely thought it was a cute and simple way to let your loved ones know that you were thinking of them during the holidays.

The next part to get the Gingerland Village up and running is to make the houses that the Gingerbread Friends will live in.

This part of the craft let the kid’s imagination flow as they were able to decorate their houses with a lot of different materials such as the oil pastels, colorful pom poms, and white cotton balls to make it look like snow perched on the roof!

Holiday messages can also be written in the Gingerbread Friend’s houses!

The last part of this was where the magic happened, which was when we put the Gingerbread Friends in Gingerland Village!

Assembling these items together turns out great and adds cheer and joy to the house! Who knows, maybe Elf on the Shelf will pay Gingerland a visit.

The last thing that was great about this craft is that it gives the family a chance to sit down and spend time together. That is a big inspiration behind this box and nothing beats spending time with the family, making crafts, and listening to some holiday music!

I hope that everyone has the happiest of holidays! If you are interested in getting a box like this in the future, visit our website at


We’d Like a Moment to Gobble about our November 2017 Box!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I wanted to share some crafts that your whole family is sure to gobble up! I am so thankful for my family and the memories I get to make with them. I am also thankful that I get to share crafts like these with your families! Get ready to feast your eyes on some crafts that will serve as great decorations during your Thanksgiving dinner.

Our November 2017 Box had some fun materials!

The special art material for the November 2017 Box were the Magic Nuudle Puffs.

This month’s box had a couple of crafts that were fun for the kids to make and also reminded them of the things that they are thankful for!

In our first craft we were able to make our Little Turkey Friend!

This craft allowed the kids to get really creative making their turkeys. They were able to color it just the way they wanted and add Magic Nuudle Puffs at the size of their choice!

The kids also learned a little about blending colors, as it was suggested to blend the window crayons with your fingers to give the turkey a feathered effect.

This cute turkey face is irresistible!

The tail of the turkey was also fun for the kids to decorate, and they were able to draw silly spirals and use some bright colors!

Our Little Turkey Friend was also easy to assemble! It is also a great decoration for the table, sitting next to the real turkey during Thanksgiving dinner.

After making Our Little Turkey Friend, we moved onto the Thankful Tree! 

When starting this craft, we made some thankful leaves. Thankful leaves are simply leaves that have some color added to them and something that you are thankful for are written on them! Some examples could me Mom, Dad, Grandpa, or Pumpkin Pie!

It was a great way for the kids to show what they were thankful for and having fun while doing it!

We also let the kids draw on the window! That will be something to keep them away from drawing on the walls…

The thankful tree is great for all year round, as there is never a time to stop being thankful for the things you cherish in life.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving and that November brings you many blessings!



Trick or Treat! Check our BOOtiful October Crafts

It’s almost that time of year where we start picking out our BOO-tiful pumpkins and silly costumes! I wanted to share some easy crafts to do with the kids to spook up the house, while avoiding all the pumpkin guts that comes with carving pumpkins. Our October Box had crafts that were silly and great to hang on the fridge or in a window, so all the other trick-or-treaters could see!

Let’s start out with some of the materials that were in the October 2017 box!

For this month, our special art material was chalk!

This is a picture of the fun we had unboxing the October 2017 Box and the kids were eager to see what they were going to make.

In the craft above, the kids used the chalk to decorate some cloth masks. They had a lot of fun making and personalizing their masks the way they wanted.

Another plus is that they turned out super cute!

In the next craft that was featured in the October 2017 Box, the kids were able to make and decorate their own spider puppets!

The kids were able to decorate their own spiders with googly eyes and add some color to them with the chalk.

Looks spiderific to me!

The last craft was my personal favorite, and gave all the other trick-or-treaters pumpkin’ to talk about!

With a little help from the glue stick, the kids were provided with some pumpkin cutouts and were able to bring them to life with a little glitter and some googly eyes!

Looking Gourd!

If you like crafts like these, don’t hesitate to try out next month’s box!

More can be found out about the We Craft Box subscription on our website:

Back to School!

It’s time, I can’t believe the summer has flown by so fast, and I can’t believe how big my boys are… slow. down. slow. down! I try to carry on the traditions my Mom established growing up, that, of course, has become a major thing for all parents. So I put together a back to school chalkboard for the obligatory first day of school photo.


This chalkboard is special. But really, I bought it at HomeGoods for $40, 3 years ago, and it has been used for multiple parties, baby showers, holidays, parties, weddings and both my kiddos weekly belly bump chalkboards.  I love this chalkboard!


I’ve used some fun googly eyes and apple die-cuts from Michaels. Have you ever just scanned their sale rack? These apples were inexpensive and made this project a breeze! I will admit I am also the victim of buying so many great crafting treasures and… adding them to by heap of “will one day be used”. I may just do one giant project and use them all!


I used glue dots to attach the googly eyes, and attached the apples to the chalkboard too. I played around with a few type blocks… and always have a handy wet paper towel to clean up or redo sections.

Anyway, I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of this chalkboard – I may have to rebuild it soon (she’s spent a few nights outside and is a little warped). Maybe I’ll do a how to blog post about it so you all can have this fantastic board too! Are you interested in that? Please comment below:

About Us, and this box!

This is my very first post! It seemed best to kick things off by introducing myself and telling you about me, my family and why I’m writing to you all. Well, hello there!! I’m Betsy, a full-time working, thirty-something wife, creative, and mom of two wild boys, three fluffy dogs, one stinky cat, and a pot bellied pig… yes… a pig!

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You see, I’m a creative and always have been, I blame my amazing mom for all these things. My mom is an incredibly talented and creative woman. She has been a source of inspiration, and one of my biggest cheerleaders. I’ve been fortunate in having a great childhood bursting with creativity because of my mom. We were always working on holiday projects, helping out with school plays, trips, and fundraiser props. As I grew up she encouraged me to pursue my passion of art, and attend art classes, and eventually attend one of the top art school in the US –Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.  I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration and have been working professionally in the creative field in designing screen printed and decorated fashion apparel for the past 11 years.materials blog

Now, I am a mom of two wildly busy boys and trying to find ways to have quality time with them has been my challenge. Time is scarce between work, laundry feeding everyone, and taking care of the kids… there is little time to research plan shop for and prepare crafts… not to mention me leaving the craft store after spending a bundle and not having time to use have the stuff. Lately, I’ve been in the mindset of making my time together count. You’ve all heard it, “be present in the present”… Well, this is my combo platter solution of being present, making our time – quality time, and pulling in some of my favorite memories and creativity into the mix too.


It sounds like a lot, but it’s quite simple – a subscription of prepared crafts! It’s easy, you don’t have to think about it, it comes to you once a month with seasonal themes. Now without the stress and prep-work,  you can craft, connect and create together!

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I love putting together these monthly packages… and I hope you enjoy them too! Please share your creations and tag us on facebook and Instagram. We love sharings everyone’s creations!
